
Are your triggers being challenged?


Are your triggers being challenged?

Do those little incidents have the capacity to completely throw you off balance in a second?

Recognize them for what they are; tests the Universe has put out there for you to overcome. If there was no dark you would not see the light. Use methods of meditation to see if from a higher perspective and breathe, allow yourself to dwell on it for a short time; no need to bury it.  Rise above and see it for what it is a story!

Practice no judgment, no taking it personally, and certainly no fear.

Ask the Universe to transmute it with the Silver Violet Flame and notice how it is consumed by the flame and gone.

You are now free to go back to your Love filled state of being and realize there will be more triggers and you now have the tools to use with ease. The more you use them the easier and quicker it will become to transmute them.

Love them as they come along for without them you will forever be in the dark!

 To use the Silver Violet Flame simply state 3 times:

I AM a being of silver violet fire; I AM a being of God’s desire.

I AM a being of silver violet fire; I AM a being of God’s desire.

I AM a being of silver violet fire; I AM a being of God’s desire.