Monthly Guided Meditations, Posts

Guided Meditation with Master Djwal Kuhl

Join us on Sunday for a Guided Meditation with Master Djwal Kuhl

Sunday, September 25 at 6pm (Pacific) 

Master (Ja-wall Kool) has suggested the Lotus as the symbol of life, living in what some would consider “the mud” we strive and send out straight shoots of energy, reaching toward the light and when we reach the light we bloom in radiant colors. To experience the Lotus – consider joining us on Sunday to be touched by Master Djwal Kuhl in some way.

I AM scribe and channel to the Masters, working with each one, understanding who they are and how they want to be represented by me to the world. It is important for me to share their messages, as they have walked the earth in many lifetimes and understand exactly what we are going through.  Their wish is to help humanity with their journey and by taking you on a live guided journey they can touch you in ways that reading a book cannot.  This connection will stay with you and allows you to understand and recognize their energy should you wish to call upon them yourself at any time.

If you are interested in experiencing a live meditation with the presence of a Master, and developing a relationship with them.  You are most welcome to join us Sunday evening. We look forward to meeting with you on the call!

To register for this free event email:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

6:00 pm PST, 7:00 pm MST, 8:00 pm CST and 9:00 pm EST