Join me in February for a Guided Meditation with Venus. Venus, Goddess of Love would like to take you on a LOVE-ing Journey.
When: Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 6:00 PST (7:00 MST, 8:00 CST, 9:00 EST) via teleconference.
Venus Roman goddess, born of the stars and sea
Known for her: love, beauty, fairness, abundance and harmony
Venus invites you on a Guided Meditation and journey to your heart center.
Lady Venus Loves you and will hold you in a space of Love
Join us on a Guided Meditation to discover
The spark within your heart center
Sunday Feb 23rd at 6:00 pm PST (7:00 MST/8:00 CST/9:00 EST)
This journey will open your heart and allow you to experience heart based feeling and acting from the Heart; how do we do this? Simply quiet the mind and act on what you feel or know. Your mind/brain centered thinking is when you are uncertain about things and start a lengthy process of over analysis. Your heart chakra creates and senses vibrations with its own intelligence, having an awareness and consciousness much like a brain. The heart pulls in vibrations that are resonating at your own frequency making decisions easier to immediately accept or discard. Trust your inner knowing and remind yourself of the times when you “knew” you made a decision from the heart.
This meditation is for ANYONE willing and able to create a quiet space for their practice of going within.
The energy of the “live group” will be held and elevated so everyone achieves a state of relaxation and inner knowing and connection – no matter what level you are currently at.
BEGINNERS WELCOME! Seasoned meditator’s welcome as your energy will help hold the energy for those who are beginning.
Benefits of meditation:
- Gaining those minutes in meditation as though you slept!
- Understanding the feeling of achieving a higher state of meditation
- Actually experiencing the energy of Venus
How it works:
This meditation is done via telephone or your computer speakers! After you sign-up you will receive the call-in information for the meditation in an email. At the time of the event, just dial-in to the conference number provided (and enter the PIN). You also have the option to listen via your computer, there will be a link included in the email sharing your conference details. Just click on that link and follow the prompts. It is very easy!
ALL ARE WELCOME, no one will be turned away. Your contribution doesn’t have to be monetary, contact us with your idea for an energetic exchange and we can work something out!
Were you unable to attend? Purchase a copy of the Guided Meditation recording here: