
An Ascended Master Makes An Appearance? [Part II of our Shasta Trip]

In early May, Megan and I (Karen) went on a spiritual retreat to Mount Shasta. It was always a place that we heard had great spiritual significance and were called to visit.

We had the opportunity to head that way for a course facilitated by the Dolphin Star Mystery School in Mount Shasta and we felt simply called beyond explanation to attend. In this series we share our experiences on this trip!

If you have not read Part I, head here:

The Dolphin Star Mystery School was founded by an extremely talented woman named Amorah Quan Yin, an aspect of the Ascended Master Quan Yin.

Having read several of her books we felt as though we knew her and looked forward to actually meeting her in person. While registering for the workshop we came to realize that Amorah had died in a tragic car accident several years prior. We were saddened and asked the Guides about the tragedy of losing someone at her level at this time. Basically “why did she die?” The Guides response was “or did she?”…

It was our intention to arrive early on day 2 of our training but somehow the conversation became so enthralling over the breakfast table that there were a few moments that I personally thought I would leave the table only when the conversation had dwindled; wanting to savor every moment of this wonderful energy and company. However, that thought was fleeting as I remembered being late the day before.

We arrived just in time to start Day 2 of learning.  It was break time when we realized there was a missing student.

This student was memorable as her empathic tears would well in her eyes and stream down her cheeks as others shared their journey with the class. When it came time to share her story, Julie as she introduced herself, told of her fantastic story of wanting to come to America from England for this training. She did not have the funds and put out her intentions to the Universe that she needed airfare and lodging. It was the day prior to her cutoff for requesting time off work when a benefactor came through and paid for the entire trip and upgraded her to first class on the flight. She was so excited to be there her energy was palpable.

I remember hugging her and feeling the heat and energy exuding from this woman  I wanted to speak to her about this remarkable experience, and wanted to know exactly how she went about manifesting this amazing feat!

During the break on the second day we asked if anyone had heard from Julie; perhaps she was ill or overslept. The instructor started her own search and quickly realized there was no record of Julie; there was no signature or contact information on the sign in sheet and no registration! There wasn’t even an email of possible discussions prior to attending class, nothing, nada.

As Megan and I exchanged puzzled glances the instructor caught the exchange and wondered out loud if Julie came to lend her energy to the session. She had remarked during the session that she had felt Amorah’s presence and indicated that side of the room (where Julie was seated). Come to think of it there was a resemblance between Julie and pictures we had seen of Amorah…..

Could we have experienced an Ascended Master making themselves physical to lend their energy to the class?

Stay tuned for the next post in our Magical Trip to Mount Shasta series…


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