
New Moon Super Moon Today

Take some time to dream your dream…..Because today is a New Moon and Super Moon and I’m all about the New Moons!  Who doesn’t like the opportunity for new beginnings?

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So when I heard that today is a New Moon and a Super Moon, I decided to do some research on what it means. Turns out…if you have been spinning your wheels this past few months (like moi) and feeling like there is more, this might be the time those wheels catch and take off!

And, if the first one doesn’t take…well you have 2 more opportunities to set those wheels in perpetual motion!  Because, today’s first Super moon of 2016 is then followed by another on April 7th and again May 6th!

New moons = new beginnings. It’s a powerful time to dream your dreams and manifest your next step. This is a dreamy Pisces opportunity to get in touch with your deepest emotions. If you haven’t already discovered your dream, this may well be the time it reveals itself.  Oh and one more thing… be prepared for the possibilityof a life altering revelation!

The time to commit is now, and walk the talk! Will you be brave enough to take the next step?  You’ve heard it before….face your fears, heal the wounds of your past. Just to be clear this IS what is holding you back..

Commitment and bravery will propel you forward (hopefully) onto the stream of your Life’s Purpose!  Expect opportunity to present itself and be prepared to receive what comes your way – no matter how scary and grandiose, your comfort zone will be expanding! What you came here to do is waiting to be discovered and this time it may take the first step towards you.

Will you shrink from the task or will you take the step on the bridge to Wonderland?

The moon will slowly but surely illuminate what has been waiting in the shadows, there will be no more hiding, and you will be given this opportunity to discover what you came here to do. Expand into the opportunity and allow ALL that is yours to flow easily and effortlessly towards you.  No need to swim against the flow besides it is taxing and you will soon tire.  Relax into your dream and allow fear of the unknown to rise and release. Leaving space for the opportunities you have been waiting for to show themselves with clarity and intent.

If that’s all too much for you…well remember the old adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”  This is the beauty of having the triad Super Moon (3 in a row) April 7th and May 6th to help expand and lock it in for April and again in May!

Nevertheless, expect to feel growth and continuous expansion.  Why?

Because the dream is much, much bigger than you ever imagined!

In gratitude for all this Super New Moon has to this counts for March 9th too!
