After taking a workshop and given an Amethyst Crystal that was sanctioned by St. Germain himself I was told to go and meditate daily with it.
The trouble is, I really didn’t meditate; I mean I didn’t burn incense and sitting cross legged for any length of time made by feet fall asleep. Sometimes I formulated great multi layered to do lists, adding groceries and menu planning, reminding myself to gas up on the way back from the grocery store because it was on the right side of the road and of course this meant I wouldn’t be able to do that return to Marshall’s because it would take more gas than I would risk on a ¼ tank of gas on the 422 freeway. Oh, and reminder to call the dentist as I’m due for a root canal!
Really! Really…Yes, this was what my meditation was like and being embarrassed to admit it sounded like this (in my head anyhow). I basically didn’t do it. It felt wrong!
Then a Buddhist friend gave me a chakra clearing CD and I laid down on the floor and shivered my way through 20 minutes of Gong Sounds. When I told my friend that I was too cold she said “well cover up!” So I rolled out on the floor wrapped in a blanket like an Oscar Meyer, listening to Gong Sounds and Monks chanting and promptly fell asleep.
Again, I was bewildered…how does one meditate? So I enrolled in a class and paid $100 for the privilege of hearing how 1 man has meditated for 20 years. He brought a wooden contraption to class to kneel/sit on and then turned out the lights. He left a window open and had us “be quiet”. I listened to a cricket outside and felt the cold breeze on my neck until I could no longer move it. The next week I asked him how to walk in meditation as I thought maybe that’s where I needed to start? I mean I am an active person, perhaps I need movement. He showed me, by walking with one foot in front of the other and his head down in contemplation. It was a comedy; I stood there in utter disbelief! I had paid this dude $100 to turn out the lights and tell me to be quiet, then show me how to walk slowly with my head down in contemplation. That’s when I realized he was onto something and I was somehow missing the point.
Here I was Karen the Feng Shui Lady and House Whisperer. I spoke to the energy of a house and discovered its name and character. And, when I wanted to simply meditate I couldn’t clear my mind but I could do multiple task lists? Really?!
Now I found myself accepting a crystal with the task of meditating with it. Not wanting to admit my dilemma I sat down with the crystal, closed my eyes and focused on it. Well, the light show was extraordinary and that was the beginning of my meditation journey. I had discovered the secret! Focus on something rather than nothing. When you master that you will easily move onto all the other different types of meditations that are out there, because you will understand that feeling. How can someone explain the feeling when there are no words?